Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI Software v5.8.0

This review is of Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI version 5.8.0 using the GPU as the AI processor.

The Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI software promises to increase resolution not just simply enlarging pixels. Examples include:

Some improvements in this release are quality improvements using a GPU in Windows (which is the case here) and reduced memory usage.

Here is an example from the Topaz Labs website. After scouring the Internet, the source of the below image was found in full resolution so it can be compared.

Topaz Labs
original low resolution image example from the Topaz Labs website
Topaz Labs
claimed improvement after using Gigapixel AI (from the Topaz Labs website) (detail)
Topaz Labs
the original source for comparison; a lot of detail is missing from the image modified by Gigapixel AI (detail)

Let's run the first image on this page through Gigapixel AI v5.8.0 and scale it 2× to see if similar results can be had.

Topaz Labs Topaz Labs Topaz Labs Topaz Labs
(detail) / (detail) / (detail) / (detail)

Though there are differences, just like with Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI v5.7.3, none of the above images look as good as what is promised by the Topaz Labs website. Here is what the website promises again.

Topaz Labs
claimed improvement after using Gigapixel AI (from the Topaz Labs website) (detail)

Now, let's downsize to 450×400px and use high-compression with the original low-resolution example from the website and then try again.

Topaz Labs
original low resolution image example from the Topaz Labs website downsized and highly compressed
Topaz Labs
using the AI model "very compressed" (detail)

The result appears like a joke when compared to the Topaz Labs website's examples.

Perhaps it is unfair to use the examples from the website even though this seems perfectly reasonable. Let's use the original source to see if we can acheive the results that the Topaz Labs website shows.

Here, the original source is compressed with high-compression.

Topaz Labs
the original source sized down to 450×400 pixels with a high amount of compression
Topaz Labs
using the AI model "lines" (detail)

Here, the original source is compressed with medium-compression.

Topaz Labs
the original source sized down to 450×400 pixels with medium amount of compression
Topaz Labs
using the AI model "lines" (detail)

Here, the original source is compressed with low-compression so as to retain as much detail, like the bricks and mountains, as possible.

Topaz Labs
the original source sized down to 450×400 pixels with the lowest amount of compression possible to give the software a leg up
Topaz Labs
using the AI model "lines" — that's more like it but this required a low compression of the source so as to retain as much detail as possible (detail)

When compared to Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI v5.7.3, the new algorithms in v3.8.0 appear to create sharper images.


This software is no where near as effective as the Topaz Labs website makes it look, but it is an improvement over the last version.

If there appears to be flaws in this testing methodology then please inform.

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