Photographing Glacier National Park

McDonald Creek

Glacier NP is a beautiful US National Park and a hiker's dream thanks to its vast network of hiking trails but, with the Going-to-the-Sun park road, it is also a good choice for those not wanting to or those unable to leave their vehicle.

Going-to-the-Sun Road
Going-to-the-Sun Road cut into the side of the mountain
crop of above
Going-to-the-Sun Road cut into the side of the mountain

In this year, 2020, the park was only partially open thanks to COVID-19/coronavirus. This meant the most beautiful trail, the Grinnell Glacier Trail, was closed. The only entrance open was the west entrance near Apgar Village. The park was completely saturated with visitors.

Some campgrounds are on a first-come-first-serve basis while some are available through

Plan a visit.

Heaven's Peak
McDonald Creek

When to Visit

The park is closed during the winter.

Gear to Bring

Bring the whole gamut of lens focal lengths. Because some of the park is nestled within a valley, a wide angle to a normal to a moderate telephoto will be useful. Super telephoto lenses will be useful for the abundance of wildlife like bears. If focus stacking or doing time-lapse photography then a tripod is a must. Bring a polarizer.


From pikas, a small mouse-like mammal, to large elk and eveything in between, there is no shortage of wildlife in this park. On this visit only mountain goats were seen.

mountain goat possibly eating something from a park visitor; do not feed the wildlife
mother mountain goat
baby mountain goat

Cellphone Service

AT&T cell service is available in Apgar Village but only one to two bars of 4G LTE signal strength can be found. While the signal was not bad, the service was very poor due to the large number of people trying to access it from the park this time. The cell towers had become completely saturated with connections and data usage. This may be a circumstance of COVID-19.

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